Fast Fire Booty | Ariana Grande
Single Class Rental
This class does have some jumping. It combines glute activation, pilates, and strength moves with some quick cardio bursts. Grab a booty band and some heavy weights for this 30 min butt buster. And when you are in between giving up and pushing just a little but harder, keep going! The class is only 30 minutes, it goes by quickly; plus, you can do hard things.
Up Next in Single Class Rental
NamaSCULPT | This class is really good
This class has a slight focus on your booty, and a big hug MEGGA focus on feeling good. There is a great mix of cardio throughout the class and a lot of deep toning movements sprinkled in as well! Grab some heavy and light weights and get ready to let go of this crazy year/month/week/day.... you ...
Your Best Body | AMAZING CLASS!!
Get a heavy set of weights, light set, and booty band and get PUMPED because this class is so much fun! We will do lots of lunges, jumping, and sweating in this class!!! Truly one of my favorite in a long time!
Get excited for a super glute-activating class that will get your booty burnt out QUICK! This class calls for a medium and light resistance booty bands, heavy and light set of weights, and a big smile!! Can't wait to hear how you liked class! DM me after and send a sweaty selfie to @LillyScott!