Your Best BODY | Drakeover
Single Class Rental
Recorded 1/16/21 | This class is a really huge challenge with 100 burpees in the class. Don't worry!!! They're spaced out throughout the class. And while I KNOW it sounds scary to sign up for 100 burpees... I promise you that the accomplishment that you feel at the end of the class is so much more powerful than any fear you have before class!! TRY IT and let me know how it goes.
Up Next in Single Class Rental
Recorded 1/15/21 | This class is part of the DRAKEover, battling against Queen B herself. This fast-paced class is just a full out VIBE. Get ready to jump around and get every muscle, head to toe! Oh and there's a 100 squat challenge.
Your Best Butt | Single Glute Isolation
Recorded 1/11/21 | This class is part of the DRAKEover and he will be battling Bad Girl Riri in a deep toning class that works to isolate one glute at a time to build the muscle out.
Kick Butt | Straight Punch Focus
Recorded 1/17/21 | Get excited for a butt-kicking with a class that focuses on straight punches.