Fast Fire Core | 100 Sit Up Challenge
Fast Fire CORE
Recorded 1/13/21 | Part of the DRAKEover series, this workout will get every bit of your core and challenge you in the area of repetition by you doing 100 sit-ups in 30 minutes.
Up Next in Fast Fire CORE
Fast Fire Core | TAYkeover
Recorded 1/6/21 | This class will gun into your lower core so be sure to make adjustments if you have a sensitive back. Grab a band for additional lower core tension and a heavy weight for oblique dips. Get ready for a playlist of sassy songs!
Fast Fire Core | Best of 2018
The intention in class is to work through food guilt, understanding that no matter how much you beat yourself up, you cannot un-eat the food. You deserve to eat and live in the moment, so let's release judgment!
Fast Fire CORE | Best of 2011
Recorded 12/14/20 | This class uses your booty band to get deep into your core! Honestly, I am sore thinking about it!