Your Best Abs and Arms | GAGA SAGA
Recorded 2/26/21 | This class IS HILARIOUS... which is great because laughing works out your abs. It just so happens that instructor Lilly Scott looks like a colonial man... you have to take class to understand 😂😂😂😂
Up Next in Your Best ABS AND ARMS
Your Best Abs and Arms | Tricep Takeover
Recorded 2/2/21 | This class has a focus on triceps with MANY different variations for you to try out! What I like about this particular class is it teaches you a lot of different ways to work out your tricep, which means when you are working out in other classes you can always modify to the tric...
Your Best Abs and Arms | BEYkeover
Recorded 1/19/21 | This class is such a blast with a fun community question to help you get to know other #Electrolights better! Grab a light and heavy set of weights.
Your Best Abs & Arms | DRAKEover
Recorded 1/12/21 | This class is super difficult with the 100 pushup challenge in full swing. Don't worry, it isn't JUST about pushups. The class also has a really fun theme of sharing about the embarrassing things we USED to do when we were younger!! A really funny and exciting way to share time...