Fast Fire Booty | Taylor Swift vs Her Besties
Recorded 1/9/21 | This class will require some balancing on one leg. To support the balancing pose, you can take this class closer to the wall or bring a chair near you.
Up Next in TAYkeover
Recorded 1/15/21 | This class is part of the DRAKEover, battling against Queen B herself. This fast-paced class is just a full out VIBE. Get ready to jump around and get every muscle, head to toe! Oh and there's a 100 squat challenge.
Fast Fire Core | TAYkeover
Recorded 1/6/21 | This class will gun into your lower core so be sure to make adjustments if you have a sensitive back. Grab a band for additional lower core tension and a heavy weight for oblique dips. Get ready for a playlist of sassy songs!
Fast Fire Cardio | TAYkeover
Recorded 1/5/21 | This class is filled with fun songs including a new Taylor Swift dance! Whatever is happening in your life, let's feel it and then SHAKE IT OFF!